Independent fire/security
officers Association

Established 1989
We are an independent Labor Union based in Middletown, CT who currently represent the Fire Fighters and Security Officers serving Pratt & Whitney's Middletown Facility.

contract 2024
day 7 (final day)

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 7 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is complete. Your Negotiating Committee worked late into the evening to bring you the company's Last, Best and Final offer.

IF/SOA President John Moran took every opportunity to make sure the company understood that IF/SOA members wanted to feel more appreciated by the company. We believe that we did our very best as your Negotiating Committee, along with our Legal Counsel, to represent your thoughts and concerns.

The details of the offer will be presented at our Ratification Meeting on:

Sunday (6/9/24) @ 1pm

IAM Local 700 Union Hall

82 Saybrook Road, Higganum CT 06441

Please be on time and ready to begin the presentation at 1pm. After the presentation, ballots shall be passed out and you will be given the opportunity to vote on the company's Last, Best & Final offer.

For those of you working at the facility during the meeting, your Local President will have a special presentation for you and an opportunity for you to vote prior to the Ratification meeting.

The Negotiating Committee would like to thank all of you for your support, and all the support that we received from our Union Brothers & Sisters from the IAM & IAFF during these last few weeks.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

                         John Moran       Gary Dowd           Justin Czarnota           Keith Grosse         Prisco Monico                        

 President       Vice-President           Middletown                   Acting                   Firefighter

                                                                Local President         Chief Steward       Representative

contract 2024
day 6

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 6 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is complete. Some more progress was made on some non economic proposals.

The union presented the company with our economic proposal this afternoon and expect to have an answer from the company sometime tomorrow morning. As we know, the economic package is of the upmost importance to our members and IF/SOA President John Moran made your voices heard loud and clear across the table to the company.

We will be back at it again tomorrow for the final day of negotiations. The next update we give may not be until very late on Friday night as we are prepared to work as long as necessary, possibly late into the evening, to obtain a fair contract for our membership.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

contract 2024
day 5

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 5 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is over. We continue to make tentative agreements on items that we believe are in the best interest of our members. Although there have been some tense discussions, we’re still working to bring you the best agreement we can.

Still no economic proposals have been made, but we expect it to be any time now. Only time will tell where we end up at the end of the week, but we will be back at the table tomorrow to continue to diligently represent our membership.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

contract 2024
day 4

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 4 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is complete. We continue to work hard for our members concerns and there were some strong words from IF/SOA President John Moran on your behalf. We know that we have the strong support of our members during these negotiations.

Still no economic proposals have been made by either side, but rest assured that we will continue to fight diligently to bring a fair contract back to our membership. We will be back at it again tomorrow.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

Contract 2024
Day 3

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 3 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is complete. This morning we had a special presentation to the company from IF/SOA Members Kendall Huston and Bob Casineau on the proposal for 24hr schedules for the Fire Department. The Negotiations Committee would like to thank Kendall and Bob for coming and making this presentation.

No economic proposals have been made by either side, so stay tuned for that. We will be back at it tomorrow and all week this week as we work to secure a fair contract for you, our members.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

contract 2024
day 2

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 2 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is complete. Not a lot to report today. Company started off the day by presenting the union with their proposed non-economic contract changes. Mostly consisted of cleaning up old/expired contract language. The union then deliberated and responded to the proposed changes, most of which were accepted.

As expected, no economic proposals were presented by either side. More to come on that front next week as we will be meeting all 5 days.

Reminder that we have tentatively scheduled the Ratification Meeting for:

Sunday June 9th, 2024


IAM LL700 Union Hall

82 Saybrook Road

Higganum, CT 06441

As always we are working hard to bring back to you a satisfactory contract, that can be recommended by this Negotiating Committee.

In Solidarity,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

Contract 2024

To IF/SOA Members:

Day 1 of the 2024 Contract Negotiations is in the books. As expected it was a relatively uneventful day.

Director of Security Tony Phinizey and Company Spokesperson Brian Stewart provided opening statements on behalf of Pratt & Whitney. IF/SOA Legal Counsel Hank Murray and IF/SOA President John Moran provided opening statements for IF/SOA. Remarks in support of IF/SOA were made by IAM Local 700 President Wayne McCarthy, IAM Local 1746 President Howie Huestis and IAFF Local I-69 President Mark Shanks.

After a short recess Hank Murray presented the company with the unions Non-Economic Proposals, assisted by members of the IF/SOA Negotiating Committee. The company was then given time to provide mitigating questions on the unions proposals, to which the IF/SOA answered.

We will be back at the negotiating table on Thursday (5/30/24), where we expect to be presented with some of the Companies proposals.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our invited guests who showed up to support your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee:

Jeff Santini - IAM District 26 ADBR

Wayne McCarthy - IAM LL700 President

Howie Huestis - IAM LL1746 President

Mark Shanks - IAFF Local I-69 President

Brandon Moore - IAFF Local I-69 Vice-President

Their unwavering support of the IF/SOA on this day and all the support they give year round cannot be understated. We want our IF/SOA membership to remember the support our fellow union brothers and sisters have given to us throughout the years. We will always be eternally grateful.

In Solidarity ,

Your IF/SOA Negotiating Committee

"The only effective answer to organized greed, is organized labor"

- Thomas R. Donahue